ACM SIGBED is a focal point within the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for all aspects of embedded computing systems and cyber-physical systems, including both software and hardware.

Embedded systems is recognized as a key discipline, which includes new computer and systems science foundations, new design technology, and new hardware and software frameworks. SIGBED sponsors major scientific events such as ESWEEK and CPSWEEK. Members of the SIGBED community serve on the editorial boards of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, and ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems.




Can Machines Collectively Think?

The idea of creating machines able to reason like humans is not new and has been introduced by Alan Turing in his seminal paper ”Can Machines Think?” which gave raise…

New Editor Selected for the SIGBED Blog

For the last two years, Chuchu Fan and Stanley Bak have served as the SIGBED Blog editors. The blog has continued to publish a stream of content related to technical…

ACM SIGBED Scholars 2024

SIGBED is introducing a new program to recognize promising young scholars with an interest in the Internet of Things, embedded systems, or cyber-physical systems. The progam is open to students…

SIGBED Early Career Researcher Award (2024)

ACM SIGBED in 2017 established the Early Career Researcher Award to recognize contributions by junior researchers in the area of embedded, real-time, and cyber-physical systems. We now encourage SIGBED community…

SIGBED-SIGSOFT Frank Anger Memorial Award 2023 – 2024

The Frank Anger Memorial Award is a student award in the name of late Dr. Frank Anger to promote cross-disciplinary research between embedded systems and software engineering. SIGBED solicits applications…

[HSCC 23 Test of Time Award] Verification of Linear Hybrid Automata through Set Propagation

In the domain of cyber-physical systems, linear hybrid automata have emerged as a pivotal tool for modeling and verifying complex behaviors that involve both event-driven (discrete) and time-driven (continuous) changes.…

EMSOFT’23 PC Chairs’ Report

Welcome to the report on the 23rd ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT’23)! EMSOFT is held as part of Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK), the annual highlight event of…

[HSCC 23 Best Paper] Distributionally Robust Strategy Synthesis for Switched Stochastic Systems

Introduction Cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as automated vehicles or robotics systems, are often characterized by two common features: i) they are safety-critical, hence formal guarantees of correctness are required, ii)…

Open Calls

SIGBED Early Career Researcher Award (2022)

ACM SIGBED in 2017 established the Early Career Researcher Award to recognize contributions by junior researchers in the area of…

SIGBED Distinguished Leadership Award 2022

ACM SIGBED established the Distinguished Leadership Award in 2022 to recognize individuals who have exemplary and substantive leadership in leading…

SIGBED Technical Achievement Award 2022

ACM SIGBED established the Technical Achievement Award in 2022 to recognize significant and sustained contributions to research and/or system implementations…

SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award 2021-2022

The SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award was established in 2013. The award recognizes outstanding doctoral dissertations that significantly advance…

CACM Research Highlights Nominations

The SIGBED Research Highlights Nomination (RHN) sub-committee selects papers for consideration in the Communications of the ACM (CACM) Research Highlights…